Monday, February 1, 2021

What Is Sabermetrics?

Sheldon Jason Burnett has served as the president and CEO of Analytics Associates Group for more than 20 years, consulting with clients in a diverse range of industries. Under the direction of Sheldon J. Burnett, the firm provides advice on logistics and revenue-enhancing efficiencies across a range of industries, including sabermetrics.

Sabermetrics is the field of collecting and analyzing sports statistics. Analytics Associates Group has developed a proprietary algorithm and data delivery method to accurately calculate and predict the value of a Major League Baseball player’s defensive ability and forecast how that player may contribute to a team’s success.

The field of sabermetrics is very important to the sport of baseball, often guiding decisions made in a baseball team’s offices and on the field. Not only can analytics help assess a player’s performance and impact on the game, they can also help players and teams better evaluate where they can improve. For more information on sabermetrics services, visit

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Experienced business leader Sheldon Jason Burnett has served as chairman of the board at Cenoplex and executive vice president of Burnac Co...